Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Plan A

So the girls (Grace and Erika) tell me they're going to see someone some Sarah something perform at Cafe Du Nord. I have no idea who she is but I go..only to find out that the show is sold out. In the past I've always been able to show up to this particular venue the night of and get tickets but she must be super popular and plus the venue is intimate (small). So I'm standing outside making calls notifying the concerned of my predictament, trying to figure out what next..I could just go to some local bar and hang for a bit (so that's plan B)...Plan A is..well, I dont quite have a plan A but it has something to do with the fact that I wouldn't accept the fact that I wasn't going to be able to get in tonight. So still trying to formulate this plan I walk up to the bouncer and after being thoroughly ignored for a few minutes I ask if there is any way I could get in..and she says nope but in a real fishy I step away just a few feet still trying to figure out what this plan A is supposed to be.. then the bouncer chick comes up unexpectedly and goes "What up, it's me Audrey".. and I'm totally taken off guard but I pay along clueless as to what the hell is going on. Then she walks away. Ohhhhhh I get it so I pull out a twenty hidden in my hand and go up to Aud, slip it to her in a handshake and play the "yeah its been a long time" game. and we have this made up conversation, name dropping fake names and remembering pretend past's completely obvious..then i get my stamp and walk in. Sweet. Plan A.

So Sara B was good but I liked the songs of Rachel Efron even better..there's something about it that allows you to get lost in the moment.

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